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Simple Android Bluetooth Application with Arduino Example

This article will detail how to make a simple bluetooth application using Android Studio and demo it using an Arduino to toggle an LED and send data back-and-forth. No prior knowledge of Android development is needed, however it will help to know some basics of Java programming. I will be using an Android phone for testing purposes and not an Andr....... Read More

Arduino DC-DC Boost Converter Design Circuit with Control Loop

This post will cover how to use an Arduino Uno to easily control a 10W+ boost converter. A discrete boost converter can be built by using just a few parts, namely an inductor, capacitor, diode, and a FET. Please see the Wikipedia page for how the circuit works. It works off of the premise that an inductor will store energy in its magnetic field an....... Read More

PIC microcontroller bluetooth example with an Android phone

This tutorial will cover setting up the HC-06 bluetooth device with a PIC microcontroller for Bi-directional data between the PIC and an Android phone. I will be using a PIC16F1829 in a PDIP package, which comes with the PICkit 3 Low Pin Count Demo Board or the PICkit 3 Starter Kit. You don't necessarily have to use this exact microcontroller. The....... Read More

How to Create a Blinking LED project using Atmega16 microcontroller in Proteus - Step by Step with Pictures

In this tutorial we will learn how make a simple LED blinking project using an Atmega16 microcontroller and how to simulate that project in proteus8 software . It's a pretty simple project . If you don't know how to use Proteus and MikroC , don't worry - I'm going to show you everything step by step. First you need to download two essential softwa....... Read More

STM32F3 Discovery Board Setup using Eclipse on Windows

Jan 2017 Update: Install the AC6 IDE instead and save yourself a bunch of time. Original: I decided to write short post about setting up the STMicro STM32F3-discovery board for Windows using Eclipse. I was hoping that I could get started pretty quickly using their board and just blink a few LEDs without using a code-limited IDE, but I was wrong an....... Read More

How to interface 16X2 LCD with PIC16F877 microcontroller

This Post will cover interfacing of 16X2 character LCD with PIC16F series microcontroller to display a message "Hello World!!". PIC16F877 is the most preferred microcontroller among hobbyist because of its wide range of features available at less cost. HD44780 is a commonly used 16X2 character LCD because it is easy to interface and compatible wit....... Read More

HD44780 LCD Driver for a PIC

The post will utilize the popular Hitachi HD44780 16x2 Character LCD (sometimes mispelled HD47780) to print simple messages from an 8-bit PIC. I will be using the PIC16F1829 to write to the LCD in 4-bit mode (only 4 pins). The PIC16F1829 comes with the PICkit 3 Low Pin Count Demo Board or the PICkit 3 Starter Kit. Microchip's starter kit hardware....... Read More

MSP430 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope Example Driver using the LSM6DS0

This post will detail how to connect an STMicro LSM6DS0 accelerometer and gyroscope to an MSP430G2553 and display its data on a GUI in real-time. The built-in GUI Composer inside of Code Composer Studio will be used to rapidly graph the accelermoter and gyroscope X,Y,Z coordinates. I will be using the STEVAL-MKI161V1 Adapter Board since it comes i....... Read More

Arduino Uno HC-06 Simple Example using Android Phone

This post will provide a sample Arduino sketch that uses the software UART to communicate to a connected Android phone. The Android phone will be using a simple terminal app to receive and transmit data to the arduino. The total time to complete this tutorial should not take longer than 20 minutes assuming you already have and HC-06 or HC-05 bluet....... Read More

PWM configuration using MPLAB Code Configurator

PWM configuration using MPLAB Code Configurator There are many parameters in an IC which needs to be configured very precisely so that the desired output can be observed. For the same you might have to go through lot of meticulous details from the data sheet and few details become become very confusing for person who is still trying to grab the co....... Read More

SMS example using Tiva C LaunchPad and SIM 808 GSM Module

In this article we will use the SIM808 evaluation board (evb-v3.2) to interface with the TM4C123GH6PM microcontroller to send and receive a simple SMS text. The code is applicable to any evaluation board of the SIM808 module. The TM4C123GH6PM microcontroller is an ARM architecture controller, so it will also be a good opportunity to get familiar w....... Read More

Graphing UART Data with LabVIEW Example using MSP430

This post will cover how to start a new LabVIEW project and graph some simple data from the COM port on the TI MSP430 launchpad. LabVIEW is by far the easiest and most suitable program for graphing and analysis. I have used several GUI builders such as Qt Desktop, Qt QML, C# Visual Studio, python matplotlib, and Java Swing - all of which still do....... Read More

MSP430 Launchpad - GUI Composer Example

TI introduced a GUI tool to quickly help visual your embedded system. It works inside of the CCS IDE since v5.3. See the offical wiki documentation in order to learn more about the features. This post will be using the MSP430G2553 that comes with the Launchpad to demonstrate the powerful functionality of the GUI builder. Often times embedded syste....... Read More

DIY USB Oscilloscope using a dsPIC

Intro The main purpose of this article is to create a crude, PC-based oscilloscope. A dsPIC33 is used to take ADC samples of an external signal. The data is sent to a PC via a serial-to-usb converter. The PC runs a custom C# program that displays the waveform. The slope and trigger can be adjusted through the PC app. The PIC microcontroller's ADC....... Read More

My Experience with Embedded Linux using Yocto and Technologic Systems TS-4900 running a Qt Application

This is going to be the first post in a little mini-series as I attempt to document my experience in using Technologic Systems embedded ARM platform, the TS-TPC-8390-4900, in creating a Qt QML based GUI. I will explain how I created a production-ready application that can be updated in the field, debugged, and cloned. Below is what this post will....... Read More

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