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Simple Android Bluetooth Application with Arduino Example

This article will detail how to make a simple bluetooth application using Android Studio and demo it using an Arduino to toggle an LED and send data back-and-forth. No prior knowledge of Android development is needed, however it will help to know some basics of Java programming. I will be using an Android phone for testing purposes and not an Andr....... Read More

Arduino DC-DC Boost Converter Design Circuit with Control Loop

This post will cover how to use an Arduino Uno to easily control a 10W+ boost converter. A discrete boost converter can be built by using just a few parts, namely an inductor, capacitor, diode, and a FET. Please see the Wikipedia page for how the circuit works. It works off of the premise that an inductor will store energy in its magnetic field an....... Read More

Arduino Uno HC-06 Simple Example using Android Phone

This post will provide a sample Arduino sketch that uses the software UART to communicate to a connected Android phone. The Android phone will be using a simple terminal app to receive and transmit data to the arduino. The total time to complete this tutorial should not take longer than 20 minutes assuming you already have and HC-06 or HC-05 bluet....... Read More

How to Create a Blinking LED project using Atmega16 microcontroller in Proteus - Step by Step with Pictures

In this tutorial we will learn how make a simple LED blinking project using an Atmega16 microcontroller and how to simulate that project in proteus8 software . It's a pretty simple project . If you don't know how to use Proteus and MikroC , don't worry - I'm going to show you everything step by step. First you need to download two essential softwa....... Read More

Getting Started Arduino

Introduction The Arduino is a single board microcontroller that can be programmed to process inputs and outputs from different components externally connected to its GPIO's (general purpose input output).In laymen's term Arduino is a small computer that can be used to calculate and process data from different sensors connected to its inputs and th....... Read More

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