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PIC microcontroller bluetooth example with an Android phone

This tutorial will cover setting up the HC-06 bluetooth device with a PIC microcontroller for Bi-directional data between the PIC and an Android phone. I will be using a PIC16F1829 in a PDIP package, which comes with the PICkit 3 Low Pin Count Demo Board or the PICkit 3 Starter Kit. You don't necessarily have to use this exact microcontroller. The....... Read More

How to interface 16X2 LCD with PIC16F877 microcontroller

This Post will cover interfacing of 16X2 character LCD with PIC16F series microcontroller to display a message "Hello World!!". PIC16F877 is the most preferred microcontroller among hobbyist because of its wide range of features available at less cost. HD44780 is a commonly used 16X2 character LCD because it is easy to interface and compatible wit....... Read More

DIY USB Oscilloscope using a dsPIC

Intro The main purpose of this article is to create a crude, PC-based oscilloscope. A dsPIC33 is used to take ADC samples of an external signal. The data is sent to a PC via a serial-to-usb converter. The PC runs a custom C# program that displays the waveform. The slope and trigger can be adjusted through the PC app. The PIC microcontroller's ADC....... Read More

HD44780 LCD Driver for a PIC

The post will utilize the popular Hitachi HD44780 16x2 Character LCD (sometimes mispelled HD47780) to print simple messages from an 8-bit PIC. I will be using the PIC16F1829 to write to the LCD in 4-bit mode (only 4 pins). The PIC16F1829 comes with the PICkit 3 Low Pin Count Demo Board or the PICkit 3 Starter Kit. Microchip's starter kit hardware....... Read More

PWM configuration using MPLAB Code Configurator

PWM configuration using MPLAB Code Configurator There are many parameters in an IC which needs to be configured very precisely so that the desired output can be observed. For the same you might have to go through lot of meticulous details from the data sheet and few details become become very confusing for person who is still trying to grab the co....... Read More

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