Tags: Project and Tutorials tagged as Iot


SMS example using Tiva C LaunchPad and SIM 808 GSM Module

In this article we will use the SIM808 evaluation board (evb-v3.2) to interface with the TM4C123GH6PM microcontroller to send and receive a simple SMS text. The code is applicable to any evaluation board of the SIM808 module. The TM4C123GH6PM microcontroller is an ARM architecture controller, so it will also be a good opportunity to get familiar w....... Read More

PIC microcontroller bluetooth example with an Android phone

This tutorial will cover setting up the HC-06 bluetooth device with a PIC microcontroller for Bi-directional data between the PIC and an Android phone. I will be using a PIC16F1829 in a PDIP package, which comes with the PICkit 3 Low Pin Count Demo Board or the PICkit 3 Starter Kit. You don't necessarily have to use this exact microcontroller. The....... Read More

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