Tags: Project and Tutorials tagged as Uart


Graphing UART Data with LabVIEW Example using MSP430

This post will cover how to start a new LabVIEW project and graph some simple data from the COM port on the TI MSP430 launchpad. LabVIEW is by far the easiest and most suitable program for graphing and analysis. I have used several GUI builders such as Qt Desktop, Qt QML, C# Visual Studio, python matplotlib, and Java Swing - all of which still do....... Read More

MSP4340 LaunchPad - Simple UART Config and Echo

The Universal asynchronous Receive/Transmit (UART) is a vital communication protocol that is relatively easy to setup and use. It can be coded strictly in software using general purpose I/O pins, commonly referred to as bit-banged, or it can be implemented in hardware. The advantage of using the all hardware approach is that is frees the CPU to ex....... Read More

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