Category: Communication Projects and Tutorials


SMS example using Tiva C LaunchPad and SIM 808 GSM Module

In this article we will use the SIM808 evaluation board (evb-v3.2) to interface with the TM4C123GH6PM microcontroller to send and receive a simple SMS text. The code is applicable to any evaluation board of the SIM808 module. The TM4C123GH6PM microcontroller is an ARM architecture controller, so it will also be a good opportunity to get familiar w....... Read More

MSP430 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope Example Driver using the LSM6DS0

This post will detail how to connect an STMicro LSM6DS0 accelerometer and gyroscope to an MSP430G2553 and display its data on a GUI in real-time. The built-in GUI Composer inside of Code Composer Studio will be used to rapidly graph the accelermoter and gyroscope X,Y,Z coordinates. I will be using the STEVAL-MKI161V1 Adapter Board since it comes i....... Read More

PIC microcontroller bluetooth example with an Android phone

This tutorial will cover setting up the HC-06 bluetooth device with a PIC microcontroller for Bi-directional data between the PIC and an Android phone. I will be using a PIC16F1829 in a PDIP package, which comes with the PICkit 3 Low Pin Count Demo Board or the PICkit 3 Starter Kit. You don't necessarily have to use this exact microcontroller. The....... Read More

Arduino Uno HC-06 Simple Example using Android Phone

This post will provide a sample Arduino sketch that uses the software UART to communicate to a connected Android phone. The Android phone will be using a simple terminal app to receive and transmit data to the arduino. The total time to complete this tutorial should not take longer than 20 minutes assuming you already have and HC-06 or HC-05 bluet....... Read More

Graphing UART Data with LabVIEW Example using MSP430

This post will cover how to start a new LabVIEW project and graph some simple data from the COM port on the TI MSP430 launchpad. LabVIEW is by far the easiest and most suitable program for graphing and analysis. I have used several GUI builders such as Qt Desktop, Qt QML, C# Visual Studio, python matplotlib, and Java Swing - all of which still do....... Read More

MSP4340 LaunchPad - Simple UART Config and Echo

The Universal asynchronous Receive/Transmit (UART) is a vital communication protocol that is relatively easy to setup and use. It can be coded strictly in software using general purpose I/O pins, commonly referred to as bit-banged, or it can be implemented in hardware. The advantage of using the all hardware approach is that is frees the CPU to ex....... Read More

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