Category: Sensors Projects and Tutorials


MSP430 3-axis Accelerometer and Gyroscope Example Driver using the LSM6DS0

This post will detail how to connect an STMicro LSM6DS0 accelerometer and gyroscope to an MSP430G2553 and display its data on a GUI in real-time. The built-in GUI Composer inside of Code Composer Studio will be used to rapidly graph the accelermoter and gyroscope X,Y,Z coordinates. I will be using the STEVAL-MKI161V1 Adapter Board since it comes i....... Read More

Getting Started Arduino

Introduction The Arduino is a single board microcontroller that can be programmed to process inputs and outputs from different components externally connected to its GPIO's (general purpose input output).In laymen's term Arduino is a small computer that can be used to calculate and process data from different sensors connected to its inputs and th....... Read More

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